Residency requirements?


Registered User
A Romanian friend of ours is living here (legally!) for the last couple of years with her son and wants her other son to join her here - he's currently back in Romania with her mother. She has been told by friends that she must be living here a minimum of 3 years before he can join her and would like to confirm this but is not very confident with dealing with the authorities. I've looked at the Dept of Justice web pages but can't see anything on this so would anyone know where to get this info?

If not, I guess I'll contact them myself but any info appreciated!


You give no indication as to what this non-EU national's status is here. While they are living here 'legally', on what basis is this - are they working in Ireland on the basis of having a work permit or a work authorisation? Or, have they successfully applied for status as a refugee or asylum seeker? Or are they married to an Irish national. How old is the child still in Romania - still under 18 years?

Without further information - it's impossible to advise you on what this person needs to do next. I agree with Clubman, the 'Moving Country' section of the Oasis website might be of assistance - given some of it is also supplied in Romanian, it might also be helpful.

You might also consider contacting the Immigrant Council of Ireland for more advice (
