Residency Planning Advice, Thoughts, Opinions


New Member
Planning a move to come and stay in Ireland within the next 2.5 years. This maybe unusual situation ?

My wife and I own a home in Ireland (purchased in 2015) my wife was born in Ireland but got homesick and returned home, I was born in the UK and still work in the UK and travel back and forth frequently (not so much since March 2020) My wife works and pays tax in Ireland, I've never stayed more than 120 days in Ireland P/A

I earn an average wage here in the UK, but do have assets that I'll probably have to dump, ISA,s shares, house etc. I have a DB & DC pension which I expect to provide a income at 60 similar to which I earn now, I am not exactly happy in my work situation at the moment and contemplating giving up work and living on my savings until my permanent move to Ireland, this would allow me to go travel equal between my wife in Ireland and my aging Mum in the UK, on my permanent move to Ireland I would probably seek work, likely to be a low wage, but outgoings relatively small, I'm 52 my wife is 51, her pension needs a boost, we don't intend to die rich.

Looking for some thoughts, any recommended advisors for the North West of Ireland
Hi Angus69,

Welcome to AAM.

It might be best if you complete the Money Makeover recommended format so that people can have a full account of your financial standing before they give any advice, see here for sample layout.
So you are in the UK and you want to move to Ireland permanently?

As Sue said it's best to do a Money Makeover, or at least list out your assets and liabilities in the UK.

It is a very complex issue and the people who can best advise on cross border assets are very expensive as they need to be experts in both UK and Irish tax.

I don't know if there are any general guidelines or tips.

Have a look at

It's a site set up with funding from the Irish Government, the Northern Ireland Executive and the EU in order to assist people moving between the North and South of Ireland or frontier workers in either jurisdiction. Much of the information is equally relevant to a move from Britain to Ireland.

And I wish you a warm welcome to Ireland!