Reset to Factory Settings?


Registered User
I've got a dell laptop, about 4yrs old and has had heavy usage. I've only connected it to the internet about 3 or 4 times so there's not much in the way of virus's on it, but in the last while it's gotten painfully slow and keeps telling me the virtual memory is low etc.

I was wondering what would happen if I reset to factory settings (an option if you go into setup during start up). Do I loose all my files etc. will this help to clean out the computer and re-juvenate it??

Any help in reviving the laptop much appreciated - I don't fancy forking out for a new one just yet!

Thanks in advance.
Before doing anything too drastic I would suggest that you use Scandisc for any errors and also a good old defrag of the hard disk can do wonders. Also have you considered deleting any unnecessary programs/files or usinga registry cleaner utility?

There is also a utility called Tweak XP which, albeit temporarily, frees up memory which might make things move along a little quicker.
Thanks for the reply - I have used scandisc and I've defraged quite a bit - but it does little to help. As for programs installed, there are a good few but I've still got a good 12-15gigs left on a 40gig HD, besides I'm looking to get back to the good old days when the laptop zipped along with more than this installed on it.
In other words - is there a way to make it like new again?While I'd rather not wipe everything off it, it is an option as I have an external drive which can take all my files.

The question is - is this possible and how do I do it?
One of AAM's resident experts (ClubMan) ;) advised the use of CCleaner for a similar problem. I used it myself and it did speed up things quite a bit. I read all the advice about how to use it first - boxes to tick etc. Here's the link: Here's the link which gives the info about CC:

[broken link removed]

No one seems to have answered the question you asked about transferring files to your external h.d. If no one does maybe you could Google that Q. I'd imagine that would make a difference but I don't know for sure myself.
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there's not much in the way of virus's on it
Anything other than no viruses is a bad sign! If you have viruses/malware that you cannot clear using the laptop itself then maybe get/borrow a 2.5" laptop drive USB enclosure and clean the disk while connected to another PC before reinstalling it in the laptop. If/when you have cleared viruses/malware then you should look at other stuff like running CrapCleaner, defragging, removing unused applications/files etc. Ultimately reinstalling from scratch should be the last resort and you should investigate/analyse the problems a bit more before making any decision. If any or all of this is gobbledygook to you then get help from somebody with more technical nous or pay somebody to service/recover the machine for you.
I was wondering what would happen if I reset to factory settings (an option if you go into setup during start up). Do I loose all my files etc. will this help to clean out the computer and re-juvenate it??

This is a setup config reset and will do nothing for your file system, it may even give you more headaches as some drives maybe reset and then won't be detected eg. DVD or CD's if turned off in the setups.
It could be just a case that 4 years in the terms of Software is huge.
There has being new version of browsers, docutment software out since then
So if you have upgraded any of those, they will be using more memory.

What size memory do you have in the laoptop?
What browser are you using?

If Internet Explorer 4/5/6, I would recommend changing to Firefox, as it is far more secure in terms of hi-jacking, spyware, etc.

Also, download Adaware, and scan your system to see what mal/adware is there, after uddating your definition file, (you will be prompted for this after install).

Also, d/l and install Spyware Blaster, to protect your machine from installing unwanted Spyware and other beasts.

Also, make sure you are using a good anti-virus programme, I recommend [broken link removed]. Make sure you update the definition files, you will be prompted.

Definitely, upgrade your memory(RAM), as on an older machine, you may just have 64/128Megs. Yoy should upgrade to at least 256Megs.

Also, if you are using Windows OS, make sure you use Windows Update to apply all the security fixes, etc issued by M$ to patch the system.