Requisition Fee ?


Registered User
Friend of mine is selling her apartment and her solicitor has written to the management company for details on title etc.

The management company has come back with a fee request for almost 375 euro to prepare this document - citing 'professional fees'

My friend can't find any previous notice of such a fee ( nor do I recall such a fee when selling an apartment previously ) the question is...can they impose such a fee unilaterally ?

Is this a valid or normal fee and has anyone come across this before ?
I have heard of another owner in our development being charged this. Not sure what happened in the end but I know the management agent did request this when they looked for the information.
Managing co/agent do charge a fee - tho this is on the high side (but i have seen it). Norm would be 150 - 180 plus vat
Thanks - have negotiated them down to 200 euro inc vat.....thanks for info on price region.......