have contacted ulster bank with a view to a payment break while i look for new job etc - however they have suggested that it would be a possibility that i use my redundancy monies to pay the mortgage, this is after spending 1.5hrs on the phone going thro sfs doc and proving that i cannot pay the mortgage with out a job.............. can they make me???????
Its a bit complicated as in I am separated and Ex has not been contributing, we are in mediation trying to sort - i have explained this and noted that i do not want to be accountable for his debt any longer......
I will need that money to live on really....
From the Banks view you are both fully liable for the Mortgage and its repayments.
I assume the redundancy sum will not be large,,,What about writing to them and say you will send them interest for 2 months whilst you get a new job? and the few bob from redundancy will keep you going until then/
what they have told me is that as i am the one making the payments they will assess based upon my sfs only....... which is fine by me.
I have checked out the interest only it would be 2/3 of the current monthly payment - i cannot afford this either.....
yes, brendan totally agree, but i dont want the mortgage to go into arrears or it to affect my credit etc so have been paying it......
I have asked them to consider the mediation etc... so hoping for the payment break.
either ways at next mediation i will be making it clear to ex again that i will no longer be paying his burden!