Req: 32 / 16 GB USB stick needed - Irish online supplier?

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,

I need to urgently order a 32GB or 16GB USB 2.0 stick on-line. (I live in a very rural area!). Usually get them online via Amazon at a great price but with postal delivery system from the UK backed up due to volcanic ash, no flights, postal system delays I can't be guaranteed a delivery date.

Can anybody recommend a good Irish on-line supplier with competitive price, need to place order today if possible.

Really appreciate help with this.. thanks!
Here you go:

Don't know how competitive they are ... but if it's urgent you may have to pay that little bit more to get you out of a jam.

I've no connection with laptopsdirect .....
Many many thanks - placed with Travelling to Celbridge the weekend for a play.. how bizarre! ;0)