Repossession Without Court Order


Registered User
I am not looking to scare anybody but looking for clarification on the above please.

I have heard through the grapevine that action was taken to repossess a home without a court order. Is this mere scaremongering tactics or has anyone encountered such action?

Is there any truth to the stories?
Nope. Any such action would be illegal. Tall tales of the viper collection agency?

Even where a house is surrendered by consent the lender still needs a court order to take possession.
Sounds very odd. I did see the accusation on facebook today. Is this were you read it?

It's not the first time I have read similar stories i.e. a particular group sends out a status update on their social media with the intention of gathering up as much support as they can to prevent the repossession happening.
A mention of it was posted on the Punitive PTSB facebook page which I asked the OP to verify with corroborated reports in other established media.

The reply was - 'No ,just a friend who was at brunt of their illegal activitivy'
Why don't PTSB speak out about this hogwash and clear their name?

Because it doesn't merit a rebuttal? Because they don't think Facebook is a respectable news source, and engaging with the tripe that emanates from it isn't worth its while?

Perhaps if it gets passed around in chain e-mail form, like the forged "advice" from McCann Fitzgerald re: the Household Charge that fooled so many of the willingly gullible it might get a response.