Reporting of Stockmarket movements


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I know this point is made and argued over and over but I couldn't help noticing the way that the RTE web-site has reported the last two days trading on the Irish Stock Exchange.

Last Friday there was a drop of approx 6% and the headline was 'Dramatic Iseq Slump Gathers Pace'.

Today (as at 12:30) the Iseq is up approx 4% but there is as yet no mention of this on the web-site.

This could be very mis-leading for the casual observer who is only told about the falls but not the (partial) recoveries.

For the record, I am not blind to the overall decline in the stockmarkets and the effect on pensions and personal wealth but sensational reporting of one-day falls but not one day rises is not the standard we should expect from the public broadcaster.
I take your general point but if the ISEQ is up 4% after a lot of big down days it is not a real recovery - it is the short sellers covering (some of)their positions i.e. it is not investors initiating new long positions, it is short sellers closing some existing positions and taking some profit. It might be misleading saying buyers are rushing into the market when it is simple short covering(in general).
Read "the Intelligent Investor" by Benjahmin Graham

Buffets first book he read on investing states that in a bull market...all bearish news is disregarded whilst in a bear market...all bullish news is disregarded...

Truely what we see at the minute...there are still companies making profits regardless of all this negative sentiment...

Now is truely the time of a "half price sale in the stock market" for many stocks
Read "the Intelligent Investor" by Benjahmin Graham

Buffets first book he read on investing states that in a bull market...all bearish news is disregarded whilst in a bear market...all bullish news is disregarded...

Truely what we see at the minute...there are still companies making profits regardless of all this negative sentiment...

Now is truely the time of a "half price sale in the stock market" for many stocks
Agree but prices could even fall more.
They could indeed but I believe there comes a time when you need to say...this is good value to me,

You have a good chance that over the long term, things will be ok (hopefully)

If prices do start rallying upwards now, it would be much harder for us as investors do buy in at the higher prices as we would be fixated on the lower prices that we have seen of late,

Only my view on things but in last few days, we have seen one of the major financial institutions under 3 cheap as the nineties...

If you have any depth in the pockets coupled with a bit of patience...its got to be a winner
I was about to buy some stock recently but decided against it as we may not have reached the bottom yet. Never try and catch a falling knife etc. Look at what is happening with Fannie Mac and Freddie May in the US. The whole financial world is in a complete mess. The US sneezes and we catch the flu.

Have a look at this interview given on Bloomberg yesterday. The interviewee, Nouriel Roubini, is of the opinion that this is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and there is a lot worse to come.

Your money, your choice, but I'm sitting this one out.

Further info on just how deep the crisis is can be read about in the new George Soros book,

The new paradigm for financial markets, only a short read Im not finished it yet but seems to be good so far,

You will however never buy at the bottom and sell at the top so I stick with what I said,
I know this point is made and argued over and over but I couldn't help noticing the way that the RTE web-site has reported the last two days trading on the Irish Stock Exchange.

Last Friday there was a drop of approx 6% and the headline was 'Dramatic Iseq Slump Gathers Pace'.

Today (as at 12:30) the Iseq is up approx 4% but there is as yet no mention of this on the web-site.
Morning Ireland reported a 4% rise in the ISEQ and double digit rises in specific bank shares in early trading this morning. I guess they don't ignore all "good news" all of the time?
Morning Ireland reported a 4% rise in the ISEQ and double digit rises in specific bank shares in early trading this morning. I guess they don't ignore all "good news" all of the time?

We just moved into a bull market, so form now on all bearish news will be ignored ;)