Report an Accountant for illegal practices

Depends on what the illegal practices are? If related to their professional capacity...encouraging tax avoidance etc then report them to their professional body...ICA, CIMA, ACCA etc. I
Tax "avoidance" is the proper and legal planning of one's tax affairs to minimise tax.

Tax "evasion" is a criminal practice.

Am an accountant myself. It depend on what association they are with. If they are ACCA try the following site for info.

I know that where disclipanary procedures have been successful they publish them in their monthly magazines no matter if they are a student or member (damned interesting reading)
you must first ensure that you have a valid complaint and you should try and resolve this with the accountant. Sen dthem a registered letter stating what actions you will take if they dont reply within a specific time frame. If they dont then you should eb able to see what body they are regulated by and you can make a complaint to the body. Your complaint will be dealt with very seriously by the resepctive accountancy body so you must ensure that you have a legitimate complaint!!
You should go ahead and report it to their professional body so (do know which one?). May as well get as many people on the case as possible!