reply time after snag list


Registered User
had a surveyor do a snag list on a new property I'm buying and well its 6 pages long. House was supposed to be complete yet workmen still in there when we arrived to do snag. really poor finishing all round. anyway sent sang list to builders and my sloicitor sent one to theres a week gone by now and no reply! is this usual.

I think you usuallly have 14days to do up your snaglist and i have heard having even 100 items on the list is very normal so 6pages wouldnt surprise me. I would have thought it in the builders interest to do the first run though of the snag quick enough for you but maybe they're tied up in working on other houses to completion first. There doesnt seem to be a huge number of builders working on that site as I have seen they do houses in around groups of 5 at a time in Holywell.
WHy dont you just ring the builder yourself and see why its taking so long for them to do the changes as you still will have to re-check it and make sure they've done everything a second time anyway.
Just noticed you said there's a week gone by I wouldnt have thought this a long time at all!!
It depends on how good/bad the builders are to be honest.

I bought a new apartment last year, Did the first snag in June, second snag in August, 3rd in October and 4th in November! The builders were just shockingly bad and slow at fixing things.