replacing sliding door with window


Registered User
I'm thinking or renovating my kitchen. I'm pretty confident I can retile and fit the presses.

However, I have a sliding door on an exterior wall. I would like this door remove and replaced with a regular window, so the bottom half bricked up basically and a window installed. I assume a window company would do this for me instead of me having to find a builder first?

I would need it plastered on the outside with a concrete lintle.... and
there would need to be outlets for a sink/dishwasher.

Any idea what this would cost if I was just going for a basic white PVC window?

I'm guessing a single window is only 500ish and perhaps 2-3 days labour? so 2000-2500, which actually seems like alot when I write it.
Don't know whereabouts in the country you are but my Mother (Dublin Southside) got exactly the same job done earlier this year and it cost her €2,800. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the info. I'm Northside so I expect it'll be at least half that