Replacing Ignition coil on Laguna


Registered User
Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if its possible for me to change the pencil ignition coils on a renault laguna at home, without going to a garage? Is it a simple job of just unbolting the faulty one and slotting in the new one, or am I being a bit optomistic?

thanks, Mildew.
Well that is about it.
I watched the mechanic do ours. Basically he disconnected the coils one by one and listened to see if he could hear a difference in the engine sound.
If disconnecting the coil resulted in no sound change then that was the faulty one.
Took about 10 minutes.
I got 2 from the renault spares department but he just put one in and said keep the other one until another one failed.
common problem on renaults..

got 4 under warranaty when i had a 04 megane last year,, mileage was low mind
common problem on renaults..

got 4 under warranaty when i had a 04 megane last year,, mileage was low mind

I had the same thing happen before with a megan classic '00. Had them replaced in 2002 F.O.C. by renault.

Now im wondering if I brought it to a main dealer to fix would I get the same deal?