Replacing boundary hedging with wall - what do I need to do to keep everyone happy?



I am going to build a wall to replace hedging that runs along the boundary on the site where my house is. The neighbour is in agreement with this, although it must be said would also be quite happy if the hedging remained. I am paying in full for the wall and have no problem with this.

The neighbour however is naturally anxious to ensure that the wall is built where it should be and we have agreed to each pay half the costs for an engineer to measure where the boundary is exactly. The engineer will use the Ordnance Survey "Rural Place Map" that was submitted to the Land Registry Office when we bought the house (which does not give exact measurements but just shows the line of where the boudary is).

I am just wondering if there is anything I should do after the boundary has been agreed between us as I don't want to run into problems down the road. I am also very concerned to ensure that the neighbour is happy with things as I don't want to cause any friction or stress for the neighbour or myself.

Any advice?
Re: Replacing boundary hedging with wall - what do I need to do to keep everyone happ

perhaps before starting work or ordering the materials agree on the type of blocks, plastered or not, cap on top of wall, wall height, tidy up work, etc. If want to keep neighbour happy it would be worth getting these things sorted too.