K katdar Registered User Messages 11 23 Aug 2008 #1 Hi! I was wondering if it's possible to get a some sort of replacement P60? I'm quite sure revenue dont replace, is there any other option? FYI. My husband has put them in a "safe" place and cant now remember where they are! Katdar
Hi! I was wondering if it's possible to get a some sort of replacement P60? I'm quite sure revenue dont replace, is there any other option? FYI. My husband has put them in a "safe" place and cant now remember where they are! Katdar
L LDFerguson Registered User Messages 4,774 23 Aug 2008 #2 Your employer should be able to issue a replacement P60.
A advisor Registered User Messages 160 23 Aug 2008 #3 Contact Revenue and ask them to issue either a Form p.21 or a letter confirming your pay and tax details for 2007 for both you and your spouse.
Contact Revenue and ask them to issue either a Form p.21 or a letter confirming your pay and tax details for 2007 for both you and your spouse.
K katdar Registered User Messages 11 25 Aug 2008 #4 Thanks for info. On to employer this morning and they will send me out a letter to cover P60. Cheers!
Thanks for info. On to employer this morning and they will send me out a letter to cover P60. Cheers!
T Towger Registered User Messages 2,589 25 Aug 2008 #5 You can always roll your own from this handy MS Word template version, complrments of Revenue: [broken link removed]
You can always roll your own from this handy MS Word template version, complrments of Revenue: [broken link removed]
N NorfBank Registered User Messages 2,097 25 Aug 2008 #6 For mortgage purposes, lenders may ask for extra information (letter from company accountant verifying income) where they believe the P60 is a handwritten one.
For mortgage purposes, lenders may ask for extra information (letter from company accountant verifying income) where they believe the P60 is a handwritten one.