Replacement key for alloy lock


Registered User

I have a 05 Ford Focus with Ford alloys on it. I purchased the car up north in June. Having had a puncture a couple of days ago, to my horror i discovered i couldnt remove the wheel without a lock for the alloy. It was nowhere to be found in the car and the guy i bought it from said it was in the car. Can you buy a replacement key or what are my options?

Thanks in advance

Ford main dealer will sort you out.

p.s. Anyone buying a car should always insist on getting the locking nut key.
If you look thru the paper work for car you might find key code for wheel locks.On some Fords it is cheaper to replace wheel locks then to order in a new key from Ford.Crazy but true.
a good tyre shop will burst lock off for you
cheapest way out is to get all 4 burst off and buy a new set in your local motor factors