Replace radiator. Easy job?


Registered User
I’m hoping someone can help. Car is beginning to overheat lately, but only on a long drive (20 miles or so). When it starts to overheat, I stop the car, let the engine cool for a bit and drive on with the heater on. Heater works fine, both top and bottom radiator hose getting hot so there is some circulation. No coolant leaks and as there is some circulation I’m guessing its not the thermostat. However, There’s a big cold spot in the middle of the radiator after a drive so I’m guessing its blocked. To save a few bob I’m planning on buying a new rad and replacing it myself. Is it an easy job? Any pitfalls? BTW it’s a 2.0L 16v grand vitara
Thanks in advance
If you let it run with the rad cap off, does it bubble or froth up? If it does its ya head gasket.
Take the thermostat out and dunk it in a jug of boiling water, you should see it open and close when you remove it. If it isn't moving its bust and that could be your problem.
Other than that replacing a radiator is fairly straight forward job. You can flush the rad while it is still in your car, just take the top and bottom hoses off and stick a hose pipe in the top inlet and undo the bleed screws if its got any. Should see a lot of crud flushed out. You will see if the rad is blocked by the flow rate coming out the bottom outlet.
If you let it run with the rad cap off, does it bubble or froth up? If it does its ya head gasket.
Am I right in thinking these cars have expansion tanks and don't have a rad cap like old-fashioned radiators? If so carefully unscrew the blue cap on the expansion tank.

As above with flushing, but try a reverse flush as well with the water going in at the bottom hose and out at the top.

While the thermostat is out (replace the thermostat housing first) and the rad hoses disconnected, flush / reverse-flush the engine block.
I had a similiar problem years ago.

There was a load of crap at the bottom of the radiator where the stat was scrrewed in.

If in traffic it was heater on full and windows open.

Pulled the bottom hose and flushed with a hose.
Put in a new stat and tested the fan.

The kicked myself for not doing it months before.