Repeated credit card fraud


Registered User
I've been hit twice by credit card fraud in the last 4 months and was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same. We only use our credit card for food shopping at Tesco and SuperValue so I can only assume that the card details are being skimmed at one of these two stores.

In each case a number of transactions were made using "Dell Online Store" and "Vodafone online store" amounting to €1500 to €2500

Both times the bank issued new cards and refunded the fraudulent transactions but it doesn't seem as if the bank is too concerned and I would like to find out if this is a common problem.
From my experience, the banks don't seem at all interested in clamping down on Cr Card fraud. I had a brand new card which I had used 4 times, when there was a fraudulent online transaction on it. The bank refunded the amounts but I wanted to know the details from the transaction so I could approach the 4 outlets and establish if the delivery name/person corresponded with any of their employee details. The banks refused and they refused to look into the matter themselves despite the fact that it would have been very easy to do so - brand new card only used in 4 places.
Anyone ever try reporting this to the Gardai? I assume that the individual who is defrauded is entitled to do so even if the bank wont?
When you are refunded the bank takes on the loss & report the incident to the gardai. That is why the bank don't provide you with the details.