Repay Director's Loan or pay him a salary


Registered User
Director of Company A is 100% shareholder and provided loan of €40,000 to the company to buy stock initially. The first year of trade is almost over with around €15k in the bank and similar projected profits. No funds have been returned to the Director yet. Are the choices as simple as the following or are there alternatives?:

1. Repay the surplus funds in Company A to the director thus reducing the director's loan from €40k to €25k. The company would be taxed at 12.5% on its profits. Director pays no tax.

2. Pay the director a salary at year end to reduce the profits of the company to zero. Director pays tax but company doesn't.


Has director any salary? You should always pay something even if it just to use up the personal credits and pay PRSI. If they already have a salary then repay loan rather than paying 31%/52% tax.

Is it a new company, could it avail of the CT exemption on start up.