Repairing Facade : Corpo Grant?


Registered User
Hi There:-

We're on the verge of buying a C19th ex-corpo house in Dublin, which needs work done to the facade. A couple of people have said we might get
a grant toward this work from said corpo - does anyone know anything about this? I can't seem to find any info online - and I'm not sure which dept. to phone.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Check the property section of today's Irish Times - there's a letter in it and advice about grants available for listed homes.
I work for a local authority. The relevant grants schemes we promote for such buildings are:
  • Conservation of Protected Structures Grants Scheme- Generally invite application annually Jan/Feb. Your building must be listed as a protected structure to qualify
  • Buildings at Risk Grants Scheme- Heritage Council- Apply up to 31st March annually
  • Irish Georgian Society Grants Scheme
  • DoEHLG Conservations Grants for Public Buildings (or buildings open to the public generally). Apply up to early Dec. annually (
  • Revenue Commissioners Tax Incentives (one scheme for buildings open to the public and also others such as Rural/ Town Renewal Schemes, etc.)
As I do not work in Dublin City Council, I cannot advise you further. However, I would advise that you contact the Conservation Officer (of if none, Heritage Officer) in the relevant local authority. Larger authorities like Dublin City, Fingal, Limerick, etc have both Conservation and Heritage Officers.

One final suggestion- get a copy of 'Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines' published in 2004 by the DoEHLG (264 pages). Available from most local authorities and the Government Publications Sales Office (Dublin 2). A practical guide for planning authorities, who are charged with protecting our architectural heritage. Contains comprehensive guidance on issues relating to all aspects of identifying, protecting, developing and carrying out works to protected structures and structures within Architectural Conservation Areas. The guidelines are also of interest and assistance to owners and occupiers of protected structures and all those who have an interest in the many and varied structures which make up the built heritage of Ireland. (fee 10 euro).

Best wishes
Thanks Sherman - I checked that article - though I don't think our place is listed, it being a non-descript old terraced house...

Thanks MarySmyth - great info - I'll phone the Corporation on the off chance that we might be listed...
Hi- if not listed then the main benefit may be available under a Town/ Urban Renewal Tax Relief scheme- check with your local Revenue office to see if the general area is covered. If it is, you will be able to claim tax relief for up to 10 years as an owner-occupier on works carried out.
I've checked the record of Protected Structures, and the house isn't there.
So I'll get onto the revenue about potential Tax Relief.
Thanks again for the info.