Repair VCR


Registered User
I need to get a VHS Video recorder repaired - can anyone recommend someone, they are not in use much these days I know.
Whats up with it? Could be worth having a go yourself. If you cant fix it, check out eBay for a second hand one.
Common problem I used to find was that the belts came off the wheels that turned the cogs on the tapes.
Could be worth taking the case off and take a look.
Thanks folks.

I'm now on my 3rd VCR, none of them have worked (including my own); so I'm not wild confident about getting yet another 2nd hand one.

Conshine, I don't think I know enough to poke around inside.
Maybe try to find out who supports that brand for service in Ireland ?
The shop you bought it from would be one source.
I had a problem with an LG DVD Recorder and ended up in some industrial estate off the N7. They were able to fix it without an issue.
Gordon Bennet, Tarfhead... when did you last see a VCR for sale in a shop!