Repair Hi-Fi system



Hi all,

Left my Sony Hi-Fi system in to be repaired because the CD player wasn't working. Its about 4 years old but still looks the part so I thought it would be worth getting it repaired. Anyway it cost an initial 25 euro to look at it and now they want 120 euro to replace the laser in it. Does this not sound completely outrageous?
I was in Currys last w/e and I can be a new Sony Hi-Fi for around 115 euro so it doesn't seem to make much sense to pay more to repair an old one.

Anyone know how much a new laser should cost??

Hi John,

That seems ridiculous alright, but i assume that with the current price and technology you would be better off getting a new unit..

If the SONY is that important to you then, I would suggest you contact AV services in Cork, they do repairs to all types of HIFI etc and may put you straight..

I work as a Service Engineer for an electronics company. I have no idea what the prices for Hi-Fi parts are but from my experience I don't think what you were quoted is outrageous. It is not unusual that the price of repair is more than a new device. The best think in this case is buy a new Hi-Fi. If the old one is 4years old the latest versions are probably more advanced. You will also have a new warranty if you purchase a new Hi-Fi.

Good to see the industry promoting reduce, reuse, recycle.

As opposed to sure chuck the thing in the bin and assume it will go in a hole in the ground while you get another new one to do exaclty the same as the old one...

Would you pay €500 for the repair of something that costs €200 just to avoid replacing it ?? Nobody said anything about throwing it in a hole in the ground.

Get off your high green horse !!
Afaik Oxfam/SVP and a similar charity shops have contacts with volunteer 'techies' who will do their best to fix up old PCs/VCRs/stereo systems etc. that are 'beyond economical repair', but could still give service with a couple of replacement parts and a bit of patient twiddling around. In the case of your own system, you could of course shop online or try Peats/Maplins for a replacement laser assembly - but they're damn tricky to fit unless you have the right precision screwdrivers (and a very steady hand!)

A commercial repair service will always charge more than it's worth to fix an old item (a) because there's an (unreasonable) expectation on the part of the customer that they'll guarantee that the thing will keep working forever after, and (b) because there's more profit (& sales commission) in whacking out new gear, with plenty of built-in obsolescence.

It's unfortunate, but inevitable given the economics of the marketplace... :rolleyes
Thanks for the comments guys. Might try the SVP option, sounds interesting....

hey calm down. I'm blaming industry, not people. Put the obligation on manufacturers to take ll the broken stuff back...