Apologies if this has been covered before - I couldn't find it......
I am hoping to rent a room in my house to a workmate, I think I remember being told when I purchased from Galway City Council that I could rent one room without any tax implications, is that still the case?
From www.revenue.ie Rent a Room Relief - where a room (or rooms) in a person's principal private residence is let as residential accommodation, gross annual rental income of up to €10,000 (€7,620 in 2007) is exempt from tax. This does not affect an individual's entitlement to mortgage interest relief or CGT exemption for a principal private residence.
Rent book is a good idea and one I will definitely follow up on. Looks like it is going ahead, he is moving in this evening which will probably feel a little strange at first but to be honest it is going to be a big help financially....
Do you think I am correct in assuming that there is no requirement to report this to the revenue at all then?
Im in the process of getting a affordable house soon too and definetly thinking of renting a room out to a friend maybe aswell. its a great idea your helping your friend out and its extra money for you!