Renting parking space


Registered User
Can anyone tell me if park me dot ie is a legitimate site, or not? Ive just registered with them, and was sent a confirmation email. And a message from either Hotmail or Firewall saying:

Be careful! This sender failed our fraud detection checks.

The website looks legitimate, well designed etc, and there was a phone number in Contact, but no address.
check them out with the IEDR and CRO - it's not very easy to get a .ie domain
I dont like the fact that there is no address listed. Anyway the owner of the site and company is Liam Farrell, see his LinkedIn here:

Apparently their registered address is 51 Rathfarnham Park, Dublin 14, see

All this info is freely available online if you know where to look.....

Also have a section on renting a parking space....
A company should display it's name, CRO no and registered office on its homepage or readily accessible location.

[broken link removed]

If they had displayed this info then the OP may not have had any concerns about the reliability of the company.