Renting - Moving from Mayo to Cork


Registered User
Hi Folks,

I'm taking on a new job after the christmas....well second week in january. Currently living and working in Mayo, and I'll be moving to Cork to take up the new position. I've got to find an apartment to rent in Cork city/western subarbs, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about this.

Is it just a matter of getting a copy of the evening echo every day and ringing around? Is it too early yet to start looking for someplace considering it will be another month before I will be moving? Its unlikely that I'll be able to get time off from my current job at the moment to go view any places until around the Christmas holidays, but I presume most landlords etc. won't want to hear from me then. Worst case scenario, I can probably find a B&B for a few days, but I'd really like to be sorted in advance.

Aside from the long distance problem, this is also my first time looking for a place to rent, so I'm really out of my depth on this one.

Any advice or suggestions you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Well probably no harm to get the paper and ring around now, just to get an idea of the price and the standard of furnishing and facilities included - car parking etc (not a problem in the subarbs I presume).

There should be no need to start paying / move now, I would imagine no shortage of rental accomodation.
A B+B would be a good option for the first week or so, just to get a feel for the place and try to see what areas would suit you.

Best of luck
Should be no problem getting a place to rent in Cork. Just decide on the area. If you are looking at Western suburbs - then that probably means Wilton which is huge rental area. You could start to ring around now to get an idea of price etc but I would not start paying for anything until you are ready to move in. Monday & Tuesday are the best days for the Echo when it comes to rental properties