Renting a room


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I have an affordable house and want to rent out a room, do I have to notify my local CC, now its just a room not the house I will be still living in it
If you have a bank mortgage it should be no problem. If you bought on Shared Ownership you'll have to have to check with the Council.
I have an affordable house and want to rent out a room, do I have to notify my local CC, now its just a room not the house I will be still living in it

I know someone who has an affordable apt and is renting out her whole apt, this is totally against the contract and illegal, however they have never checked so she's got away with it - cheeky cheeky!!

regarding renting a room only, you can do this, it is your place, affordable housing or shared ownership, you are allowed to rent out a room, now tax reasons is the only issue you wouldnt but i dont know what they are. But you would be fine to rent out your spare room, just chat to the council about it and ask them what way to go about it.
I know someone who has an affordable apt and is renting out her whole apt, this is totally against the contract and illegal, however they have never checked so she's got away with it - cheeky cheeky!!
If it bothers you then why not report them?
now tax reasons is the only issue you wouldnt but i dont know what they are.
The owner occupier rent a room scheme allows an owner occupier to rent a room or rooms in their PPR and collect up to €10K p.a. in rental income tax free and without any other (e.g. stamp duty, CGT etc.) implications. Above €10K p.a. and the scheme does not apply at all.
regarding renting a room only, you can do this, it is your place, affordable housing or shared ownership, you are allowed to rent out a room

It is not entirely "your place" if it is shared ownership. Councils are allowed to set their own policy on this and DCC, at least, requires you to apply for permission, which they will decide on a case by case basis.