I know i'm surprised with myself, i'm very much the fighter kind, even when i know i cant win.
But there's more important things at the moment like the kids. It was hard enough on them then we moved out of the family home, and to be honest i'm all out of fight at the moment, i just cant be bothered anymore.
I have no written proof of anything that was agreed, it's a lesson well learnt and i wont make the same mistake again of believing and trusting what anyone says to me. Next time i'll make sure it's written into the contract 100%.
The only fuss i will make is about my deposit if i dont get it back i wont move out and hand the keys back untill i get it in cash, as cash is what i gave to them. They have no grounds what so ever to keep any part of that for any reason, the house will be left exacetly the same as what it was when i moved in ( actually better as i had to clean it myself after the buliders had finished putting the floors, carpet and tiles )
I dont want to stay here knowing i have to move eventually anyway, i want to make a home somewhere, and its not like the contract would ever be renewed after all of this so i'm better off finding somewhere where it's an option to stay for a few years.