Rental property-whats reasonable wear and tear


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What do you consider reasonable wear and tear?
Tennants have been there 5 years.

1. Some rooms need to be repainted. Walls dirty and marks from posters in bedroom.

2. Carperts are stained. Nothing major just a bit grubby but then they are old.

3. Iron not working

4. Washing line broken, as in some of the 'lines' have snapped

5. Back garden is a bit 'bald' from a small shed that was out the back they are taking with them

Other than that its clean and no damage to furniture or windows etc
Sounds like it's all reasonable wear and tear to me.
Possibly no. 5 should be dealt with by the tenant.
thats all reasonable wear as long as they clean the house thoroughly as well, clear out the attic and clean out all appliance filters etc.
I hope you never get any bad tenants if you think that is beyond reasonable wear and tear!
we are the tenants :)

I can honestly say that the place is was not freshly painted (bar one room) when we moved in so I don't feel like I should have to repaint....same with the carpets.

We have done a lot to maintain the house and improve it at our own expense but having had the misfortune of unfair landlords in the past I just wanted to get an idea of whats reasonable.

Thanks for the replies
1. A landlord should expect to decorate every two years.
2. I would expect to replace carpets every 3-4 years
3. If the Iron was supplied by the Landlord then it's their duty to keep it in working condition, unless you have damaged it
4. Weat and Tear
5. Ditto

If landlord makes reductions from deposit for the above then sue them
1. A landlord should expect to decorate every two years.
2. I would expect to replace carpets every 3-4 years
3. If the Iron was supplied by the Landlord then it's their duty to keep it in working condition, unless you have damaged it
4. Weat and Tear
5. Ditto

If landlord makes reductions from deposit for the above then sue them

Don't sue them. Take them through the PRTB dispute resolution process.