Rent to Buy


Registered User
Just wondering if it is possible to do this "scheme" as its been put on an exsisting HOUSE and not some apartment that they are struggling to sell off? i.e the house been over 20 years old or so.
Rent to Buy - A Universal Opportunity

Hi Rondon,

Rent to Buy agreements can be applied to any type of property, all that is required is the agreement of the property owner.

This of course depends on a number of 'motivating' factors that you need to identify so you can convince them it is in their interest to consider offering you a Rent to Buy Option.

Let me know if you need any specific help or information.


Carl Henry
Hi there, me and my girlfriend are renting now for the past 3 years an we find it hard to save up for a deposit for a house and we were looking at the rent to buy, it seems to be the only way we can get our foot on the ladder, but the only places that are on rent to buy in Dublin are appartments, we have a child and so we would like to go for a house, iv tryed to call the developers off new sites but iv had no luck, does any one no what I can do or does anyone no off any house under the rent to buy, (north Dublin area Dublin 13 or 5?)
thank you in advance!
Reasons Why Property Owners will offer a Rent to Buy

Hi Delboy,

You need to find property owners that are motivated to offer a Rent to Buy Option Agreement. Here are a few reasons Landlord Sellers "Rent to Sell";

  • Negative Equity
  • Buy to Let Landlords
  • Property Requiring Work
  • Personal Property Problems
  • A Death in The Family
  • Probate
  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Relocating
  • Moving Abroad
  • Ill health
  • Property Financial Problems
  • Debts & Financial Problems
  • Facing Repossession
  • Mortgage Arrears
  • Property Transaction Problems
  • Unsold Property (house, Flat)
  • Unlet Property (House, Flat)
  • Break Chains
To save time & space in this post you can see expanded explanations of why Landlord Sellers will offer a Rent to Buy to you at WeRentToBuy
Let me know if you need further clarifications.

Best regards,

Carl Henry