Rent to buy Scheme by DCC


Registered User

A new scheme is launched by DCC where 91 properties mainly 1-3 bed apartments will be available at Rent to buy scheme in 3 different locations namely-
- Herberton, Dublin 8
- Propspect Hill, Finglas, D-11
- Park View, Finglas, D-11

Link as below:
[broken link removed]

Just want to know what people, who are residing in the nearby areas or have knowledge on it, think of the developments in general and the value offered. I for once have seen all these developments won't say that I am excited about any of them but more about the scheme and the value it offers.

Thanks in advance...
- Propspect Hill, Finglas, D-11
- Park View, Finglas, D-11

I am roughly familiar with these estates, and I would agree about your excitement levels!!
Prospect Hill, is beside Finglas South and having lived in Finglas West, you would need to be prepared for all sorts! It is however on the main Road, and may not see alot of trouble. However given the state of the property market you could be there for some time and would you raise a family there???

Park View, In my mind is a very sad development, out of the two locations I would have prefered this location, beside a park, near Finglas Village (which is relatively quiet)... We walk our dogs in the park over looked by park view, and what saddens us, is there are vandels who break to an undeveloped area beside the appartments and light fires.. I have not noticed any damage to any appartment or car that is parked there, and i have noticed that there are police now policing the park occasionally so hopefully the anti social behaviour will stop..
Thanks for the response pinkyBear.
I was personally more in favour of Propsect hill because of its proximity to city and less inclined to Park view because of its proximity to Poppintree.
But interesting feedback there.
hi there, I live quiet near popintree park, it's OK. It is a great resource to have near by, as one of our dogs is obsesed with balls "of the throwing kind"! And we cannot go to near by parks where there is training for Hurling...
Prospect Hill is a fine development, I do mean that, and unfortunatly given what is happening in Park View, it would be safer. You do have tolka park near by too which is nice..

I would advise that you visit the development a few times, at different stages of the day to guage how safe it is..

Do note though it is near Finglas South which can be a hot bed of trouble.
Theres a huge thread on this site re the Herberton - have a look at it, you will get lots of feedback from those who live there.
Theres a huge thread on this site re the Herberton - have a look at it, you will get lots of feedback from those who live there.

Thanks, I read the thread most of it is old nonetheless gives good idea of the development. But I want to get some up to date information like how is it like living there now, what is the occupancy rate, surely like most of new developments it must be atleast half empty. Is general area safe and so on.
Anyone know the best way in Ireland how to buy an exsisting old house and not an apartment using the RTB Scheme. Its hard to get in contact with sellers of homes without dealing with the agents, who seem very reluctant to even talk about it.