rent to buy- as simple as that?

sorting it!

Registered User
Hi i just want to know if anyone is doing the rent to buy scheme and is it really as simple as it sounds? I haven't been able to find much info on it so was just wondering if anyone else could fill me in.

Also if anyone knows of anywhere in cork that is offering this scheme besides carrigtwohill? (Thats the only place ive seen or can find that its being done!)
Thanks in advance!
I phoned the developers of the Carraigtwohill development (Cork) earlier this week - I just wanted to find out a bit more about the scheme. They referred me onto the Auctioneer. Phoned the Auctioneer and they said that all houses put aside for this scheme had been taken and that they were not releasing anymore. I thought this seemed odd as they had a full page in Examiner property supplement only a few weeks ago and surely if it was so popular they would release more? I asked if I could be contacted if anyone cancelled and was told there was no point at the moment - very strange! I was only toying with the idea and am not really interested so have not pursued it any further but I wonder if the Developers ran into problems with the scheme?