Rent Supplement- Supplementary Welfare Allowance- Criteria



Does anyone know anything about above??

A friend is a wheelchair user and permanently disabled. She qualifies for the full rate of Disability Allowance c. 165 euro and has registered with her local authority for social housing.

She has a full-time carer to look after her and her needs. The carer is a non national and the wages for same is paid for by her ex-husband.

She has applied to her Community Welfare Officer for Rent Supplement- Supplementary Welfare Allowance to get help with the rent for an apartment. They offered 520 euro per month as she is single. No credit for the fact that her carer will be required to live with her etc was taken into consideration.

Can anyone advise what she can do? Where to find accomodation for 520 euro per month in Dublin?
