Hi docker
Let's untangle this a bit. I suspect that you feel that it would be wrong to do this,but can't figure out exactly why?
First question - should you rent out your existing duplex or sell it?
The value is €140k
The rent on this is €14,400
What is the interest rate? If you are on a tracker, you are paying around 2% interest or €3k on the €140k value of the property. This is hugely profitable and so you should rent it out.
Even if you are on SVR of 4.8%, the €140k is costing you around €7,000 a year, so it's still very profitable.
You probably have around €60k in CGT losses on this. That means that any increase in the value of the property from €140k to €200k will be free of CGT. A very valuable consideration.
You know the property, its strengths and weaknesses so that must be worth something.
But would you not be better selling it and buying a house where you want to live?
If the rental yield is 10%, you will be paying a very large amount of rent. You would be a lot better off buying the new place rather than renting it. Even if you have a tracker, this probably holds true.
You will pay less in interest than you will pay in rent for a similar property.
You won't have any of the hassles of being a tenant.
You won't have any of the hassles and risks of being a landlord.
Any increase in value in your principal private residence is free of CGT.
The switch to an apartment is a distraction
I doubt if BoI would give you the approval anyway.
It would not be just rental yields, but also the future direction of prices. Presumably you expect capital gains. These will be taxed at 35% on the apartment and nil on the first €60k on the house.
But the key question is whether you should buy a house or rent it. Focus on that and the rest of the questions will be easier to answer.
All in all, I think you should sell the duplex and buy a new property.