Rent foregone consequential loss


Registered User
I own a rental apartment & was redecorating it in April with a view to putting it back on the market. Just as our redecorating was completed & we were about to put it on the rental market, we had a flood from the apartment above us which required us to completely replace all flooring, repainting ceilings & a couple of other items. Between getting agreement on liability & delays with the management company, it has taken over 4 months to get the works done. My claim to the block insurers was for the flooring, repainting & a couple of damaged items, plus 2 months rent of €1,700/month foregone, as we were ready to rent the apartment at that rate just before the damage occurred.

Loss adjuster has come back to say that the consequential loss claim for rent foregone due to the flood is denied, as there was no lease in place at the time of the flood. This doesn’t seem right. Can I please get your thoughts. Thanks.