Rent allowence for all Gardai,only if they move?


Registered User
Looking at another post ,it came to mind that all Gardai get a rent allowence.
They may have lived in the same house since they joined but they still get it.As is the case in my direct family and some friends.

My understanding is that it is an allowence based on the fact that they could be asked to move to another area.

I firmly believe that this is crazy and should be paid only,when and if they are moved for employment purposes.

Otherwise each and every member who isnt moved gets approx 4k a year for nothing!!

Just in case someone says its because they are public service employees that Im complaining about,let me make it very clear that if that allowence is given to anyone ,regardless of whom they work for ,based on an <just in case ,it to my mind is a disgrace.

The fact that taxpayers are giving this money to them for nothing needs to be highlighted.

Here is a link ;
You are correct, rent allowance is paid as they could be moved.

And to be fair it's correct that such an allowance exists.
If you were paying a mortgage in Cork and your superior said " pack your bags, you're going to Sligo next month", well there are few of us who can afford to pay for two places. So it shouldn't be abolished

But you're right, it should be a scheme that gardai have to apply for and seek approval.
Not something that everyone gets
I disagree. I think its scandalous that these allowances are paid. The rent allowance should be abolished as the country cannot afford it

There have been lots of posts here by non-Gardai paying mortgages for houses they cannot live in due to being transferred and renting houses they cannot afford near their new work-place with no financial support from their employers.

They get another category of expenses every time they move house - way more lucrative than rent allowance.
Gardai rarely if ever are asked to move from somewhere like cork to sligo!

As well as getting a rent allowance they can also get mortgage interest relief for the house that they actually own...?
Gardai get up to 46 expenses / allowances. See today's Irish Times

[broken link removed]
Am I allowed take a quote from the article??

"The most expensive single category is the so-called “rent allowance”, understood to be a historical payment. It cost the exchequer €58.9 million in 2008, with each garda up to and including the chief superintendent receiving the €4,374 a year payment. It is pensionable, meaning it is included in the income calculations that dictate the size of a member’s pension.

Another costly allowance is the night duty allowance, where members who work between 6pm and 8am are paid at an hourly rate equal to two and one sixth times the normal hourly rate. The cost of this to the exchequer last year was €47.17 million, and it is also pensionable.

A Sunday allowance equal to one fifth of basic weekly pay is paid to members who work on Sundays, and cost the exchequer €47.45 million last year. A Saturday allowance cost the exchequer €4.98 million. Both are pensionable. A public holiday allowance equal to the Sunday allowance cost €13.8 million last year, and is pensionable.

An allowance called a premium payment is paid to members who are on leave and would ordinarily be able to claim unsocial hours allowances. It cost €9 million last year and is pensionable.

Detectives receive €30.90 per week to cover out-of-pocket expenses. The payment is not taxable and does not contribute to pensionable pay. It cost the exchequer €2.97 million last year.

There are a number of such non-taxable, non-pensionable allowances. They include a €2.77 per week payment to members who use bicycles in the course of duty; a €30.90 per week payment to juvenile liaison officers for out-of-pocket expenses; and uniform and plain clothes allowances. The uniform allowance for gardaí and sergeants is €4.39 per week, while that for officers and inspectors ranges from €704 to €888 a year.

All members are paid a €2.93 per week “boot allowance” towards the maintenance of their footwear. The department pointed out that footwear is provided to Garda members.

Superintendents and chief superintendents are paid €8,764 and €11,017 respectively for being available outside normal office hours.

Officers engaged in full-time policing administration are paid €5,203 per year to compensate for the loss of other allowances, particularly unsocial working hour allowances.

Members who handle and maintain dogs are paid a €58.14 per week allowance.

Members who work in the Gaeltacht and have adequate Irish to work through that language are paid an additional 7.5 per cent of salary.

Crime scene examiners are paid €3,206 per year for their particular skills and “to compensate for loss of unsocial hours allowances as scenes have to be examined in daylight hours”, according to the department."
Officers engaged in full-time policing administration are paid €5,203 per year to compensate for the loss of other allowances, particularly unsocial working hour allowances.
OMG, so on top of all the allowances given to the cops 'on the beat' as it were, if you're a pen pusher you get an allowance because you're not out on the beat ? That really is money for nothing. They get paid to do their job, but because they're not doing a harder one, they get an allowance ??? I really cannot get my head around the logic behind this? When was it introduced, does anyone know ? 1950 ?

This country is going to hell in a handcart !
So if you take an job sitting in an office 9-5 you get paid additional money because you no longer work nights!!! I want to hear if any one can defend this?

And then you get an allowance for not being available to work. Where's the incentive to work the harder jobs and the unsociable hours?
mmm 2nd thoughts i might join at the end of the line, wonder if the allowance goes up the further away you are!!

In all serious though thats one hell of a list.

I was always for this budget every one will have to take a hit, SW, public sector and private, end of story nothing can be done about it, suck it up and deal with it.
But this list is in all honesty taking the micky out of all of us. I love the foot allowance when the have footwear provided!!! Next they will get mileage for guarda cars, cycle milage and walking allowance.
Next they will get mileage for guarda cars, cycle milage and walking allowance.

They already get a cycle allowance and they already get an allowance for driving a car!
Next thing we'll have a 7.5% allowance for speaking the national language of the country....oh!!
I'd say all these allowances are based on negotiations for changes to working conditions over the years.

About the rent allowance, if they abolished stamp duty, all employees would be more able to move from one end of the country to another.
About the rent allowance, if they abolished stamp duty, all employees would be more able to move from one end of the country to another.
Rent. The name of the allowance is RENT alowance. Bit of a clue right there.
Then people who would be more likely to more locations would not HAVE to rent. Who wants to live in a renter in this country, you are treated like a second class person by the landlord.