Rent allowance granted now what


Registered User
Well.i got the call this morning that my RA was granted YIPEEEEEE
So now what ?
Will a swo be banging on my door every 5 minutes looking for a male or searching my home or a males clothes and so on.or will they leave me in peace to get on with privacy a very private person and dont want to be looking over my shoulder every second.
What can i expect in the future.

Thanks to the peeps that have helped me with advice so far.
Your Rent Supplement will be reviewed regularly - depending on where you live, it could be every 3, 6 or 12 months. A review form is sent to you, you complete it, ask the landlord to sign it (same as he/she did the first time round) and you return it to the Community Welfare Officer. This is standard procedure for all rent supplement claims. The CWO may visit, but doesn't always.

If there are any changes in your circumstances which may affect your Rent Supplement, you should report it to your CWO.

Enjoy your new beginning!
The only time I've heard of SW searching for evidence of a male resident is when someone reports you. Whatever your circumstances be discreet and tell no one your business. Best of Luck