Hope im posting this in the right forum.
Due to financial pressure I must rent out 2 rooms in my home.
Il miss my privacy but have no choice.
Id be intersted in any advice of what to look out for particulary from others who have been in this position.
Any ideas how much extra il have to pay in insurance ?
how much rent to look for-( ordinary comfartable semi-d about 20 minutes walk from centre of longford town,
I have cable tv and broadband,but dont want smokers) any advice gladly received!
Due to financial pressure I must rent out 2 rooms in my home.
Il miss my privacy but have no choice.
Id be intersted in any advice of what to look out for particulary from others who have been in this position.
Any ideas how much extra il have to pay in insurance ?
how much rent to look for-( ordinary comfartable semi-d about 20 minutes walk from centre of longford town,
I have cable tv and broadband,but dont want smokers) any advice gladly received!