Rent a room scheme question


Registered User

In the case of owning a property, and seeking to rent a room, does the room in question have to meet the official criteria for a bedroom?

In this case, the room is an attic with rooflight etc, quite large, but is not officially designated as a bedroom.
The fact of the attic being converted would have to be material to the event which is the subject of the claim.

If your front door is smashed in and car keys stolen; converted attic has nothing to do with it.

Converted attics up and down the country are used as bedrooms and I've yet to see a claim denied solely on that ground. I'm open to persuasion if anyone has a documented example.

In any event Revenue won't concern themselves.
The fact of the attic being converted would have to be material to the event which is the subject of the claim.
A licensee could be likely to claim though if there was negligence on your part that led to an accident.

But as a general point you’re right. There are hundreds of thousands of people living in licensee and guest arrangements.