Rent a room/RTB conflict

Property owners status (as in sharing PPR or not) isn't relevant to tenant claiming HAP.
I didnt realise licensees could avail of hap in rent a room schemes. Tbh I dont overly care if they get hap, main thing is they stay licensee and not become tenant or rtb protection
Even the Citizens Information page is confusing:

They refer to people in rent a room situations as private tenants and not lodgers/guests/ licensees. Throughout the page, licensees are called tenants. The CI recommends that owners in a RaR scheme should draw up an agreement with their 'tenants'.

It also says that tenants (actual tenants) who are sub-letting can avail of the scheme with permission from their landlord. Licensees are not sub-letting, they are sharing the accommodation.

CI is a government funded service. It's no surprise that renters and owners, tenants and landlords are making mistakes when one of the first places to look for information is not reliable.

In order to get rent a room the key test is is the unit attached to the primary residence if it is you can avail of rent a room if not you can't. Forget about sharing bathrooms etc whatever the setup is fine once it is attached to the original dwelling. Re the rtb if they are HAP they will require RTB registration if not don't register with RTB and avail of part 4 tenancy as part of your rental agreement.
You don't need to register your PPR with RTB for rent-a-room. The person sharing your PPR is a guest and can be asked to leave at any time. You are not obliged to accept HAP in your PPR.

Whilst sharers can avail of HAP, that would be as part of a rented house which is shared with other tenants & is registered with RTB.

And as noted above many sources get confused on this point.
Guidelines - post in the right forum by reading the description. I belive I have the correct forum.

This forum: rent a room


I live in the ROI and I want to rent a room.

My question relates to qualifying to rent a room. According to a revenue site I have o meet three things (1) qualifying residence (2) period of rent (3) below the threshold.

I am wondering if you are working in the UK and not paying PAYE in Ireland do you qualify for the scheme. Now remember I am living in ROI

Can I avail or the scheme?
Some living in Ireland work in NI.
Ah, very true - hadn't thought of that.

I don't believe you need to be paying tax to avail of rent-a-room relief. The key portion is that its your primary residence and you are sharing the premises.