Rent a room relief conditions


Registered User
If some rents a room in their house on a 4 or 5 night a week basis (say to students fir the academic year) - is this acceptable for rent-a-room relief purposes?
As long as property owner is living there and its their PPR then yes.

Update: you can be a tenant & the same relief applies.

Now wait for the posts that tell you to consult a solicitor.

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The summary info here and the further guidance document explicitly mention "4 day a week 'digs'" accommodation being allowed.
I'm pretty sure that this would also apply to renting to students who might habitually go away/home at weekends.

I'm assuming that you mean the same student(s) each week and not chopping and changing who stays in your house? That might be a different matter for the purposes of the Rent a Room scheme given that it might be more akin to an Airbnb type of short term letting?
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