Renovation : Replace Bath w/ Shower?


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We're renovating an old house and are considering doing away with the bath and just getting a shower cabinet. This is for reasons of space, comfort, efficiency etc. - and mainly because we very rarely use the bath.

My mother - a wise woman - advises against removing the bath altogether, as she says that this is a killer when it comes to resale. Instead, she suggests that we compromise with a corner bath incorporating shower...

Now, I'm aware that some people like a bath, but should we be factoring in resale when we come to do this work now, given that we're planning on staying 3-5 years? (Longer if the crash comes ;) ) Or is my mother right, that we may as well make the house as transferrable as possible?

I'd be glad of your opinions on this matter of great import...
Bath and shower is much better for resale value people with kids really do need and prefer to have a bath and if you don't want to have a bath at least you can opt for a shower instead.

Good Luck ;)
Ah. Yes. I had forgotten about kids. I think my girlf was talking about getting some at some stage... And then there's the muddy hiking boots, what's more... Yes, I suppose a bath has its uses...
My neighbours decided not to install a bath when our houses were being built as the bathrooms are quite small, we opted for the bath as we have small kids hence need one.
She now regrets her decison as she has a grandchild.
I would not get rid of the bath, it was the first thing my sister re-installed when she bought her first house, the previous owners removed it.
I think anything that one expects to find in a house should be left there so when you are selling you are appealing to as wide a market as possible, many older people don't like showers and kids need them so don't be hasty.
Had similar issue myself recently with a resale and eventually had a bath / shower combo reinstated...

People seem obsessed with bathrooms these days so a nice freshly tiled bathroom will add more value to the price than it costs to install (assuming you dont go wild with italian marble)
Wouldn't buy or rent a place that didn't have a bath...for myself! No children involved!!
The Bath/Shower combo is in the lead thats exactly what I have done and would do again if I had to
You might consider using a smaller than normal bath.
We replaced the bath with one 30cm shorter (150mm, instead of a stnadrda 180mm) this allowed us more space in a small bathroom for storage and
its big enough to bath both the kids together.

If you have a shower unit in the bath, get a steel bath, not plastic.
Plastic baths to do survive adults standing in them to shower every day
for years.