Health Insurance Renewal & struggling financially


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Current plan Glo Net More 500 @ €2404 for 2 adults (35 years old) and 2 under 12s and an under 18. We also have a 6 week old to be added to our new policy. So 2 adults and 4 children renewal date 1/07

Things are very tight at the moment, our income has dropped unexpectedly from two incomes to one and have just applied and expect to get full medical card and family income supplement.

We have our insurance about 8 years and apart from a minor procedure have never made a claim. Every year we seem to be dropping to lower cover policies. At this stage I'm not sure whether to cancel our health insurance or keep it up. Our monthly direct debit was E160pm and we can just about afford this amount.

Any help or advice appreciated

You certainly have a lot on your plate at the moment, and health insurance is an extra expense you could do without, in the circumstances.

If you do decide to cancel, you have 8 yrs credit built up - so that if in the future you re-join, you will not be hit with any loading on your policy.
That's if you re-join within the next 8 yrs. After that, a 2% loading would be added to your premium.
You would be like a new customer and the 5 year waiting for pre-existing conditions would apply.

Its not a good time of the year to be renewing health insurance, as all the childrens half price and special offers are finished unfortunately.
There are a couple of plans to consider, if staying with health insurance is an option;

Option 1; Glohealth
Glohealth Kick Off Plan; price 510pa; just public hospital cover but this is a unique plan, the first of its kind on the market, which has the option to upgrade to a private plan(Kick Off Upgrade plan) if surgery or treatment in a private hospital is required - outside your renewal date with no waiting time applied. This waiting time is usually 2 years. So, you pay for a basic cover plan and only upgrade, at any time outside renewal date, if you need private hospital cover immediately. This is a new type of plan, since December 2015, certainly worth checking out.

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Also, your newborn can be added at renewal date, free for 1 year - once 1st July 2016 is less than 13 weeks since the baby was born.
While there are basic plans at a slightly cheaper price, they just cover public hospitals and the waiting lists are the same for those with or without health insurance. So, Kick Off Plan would be a much better option at that level.

Option 2; Laya
1. Flex 500 Explore; price 661pa (increasing to 721pa from 1 July 2016) public, private and hi-tech hospitals covered.
2. Advantage 375 Explore; price 652pa (increasing to 710 from 1 July 2016) public and certain private hospitals covered.

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Note; Laya have a list of price increases applying from 1 July 2016, however Laya are quite good allowing people to renew a day or two before to
avoid the increases. It's worth asking if considering these options. Your newborn can be added to these plans also.

Childrens Options;
1. Laya Flex 500 Explore; price 178.50now (194 from 1/7/2016); public,private and hi-tech hospitals covered.
2. Laya Flex 250 Explore; price 214 now (233 from 1/7/2016); public, private and hi-tech hospitals covered.
3. VHI PMI 12 11; price 208pa; public,private and hi-tech hospitals covered.
4. VHI PMI 11 11; price 225pa; public,private and hi-tech hospitals covered.
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Note; Children can be with a different company to adults if it suits and also on different plans according to health needs.
Laya allow customers to switch to a different Laya plan during the year, so if any special offers come out, you can avail of them.
Thats if you decide to renew, you could just renew the adults + the free newborn to cut costs.

Hope this shows your options a little clearer, and helps with your decisions whatever the outcome.

Regards, Snowyb
Thank you so much for you're reply. I will be keeping the insurance on with one of the policies mentioned. I'm going to look into the glo one it could be ideal for us for the next year