Health Insurance Renewal date today - family of 6 VHI


New Member
Hope someone may be able to offer advice, currently have two adults on PMI 35 13 (1,629 x 2), two young adults on PMI12 11 (882 + 457) and two children on Firstcare extra 150 day to day (240 x 2), total cost just over 5k. Really, really need to reduce this as this is a big increase on last year but would like similar cover especially for the adults.
Is the best option to call all insurers, call VHI and see what they offer, go via Cornmarket (have INTO membership but have never used Cornmarket for healthcare) or just trawl through all policy information myself. Renewal date is today so need to try to find some options asap.
Any and all advice much appreciated, particularly with options for similar adult plans.
Thanks so much
Absolute madness to come along at this late stage checking all of this out

Best advice is to ring Cornmarket.

AFAIK you will have the 14 day cooling off period so that may be some light at the end of the tunnel.
Absolute madness to come along at this late stage checking all of this out

Best advice is to ring Cornmarket.

AFAIK you will have the 14 day cooling off period so that may be some light at the end of the tunnel.
I do have a 14 day cooling off period so not total madness! I'm on to Cornmarket at the moment, just thought someone here may have specifics info on plans.
You could ring vhi and see if they offer similar-ish but cheaper

Then use those and see how hia compares other providers alternatives. Take what looks like the best and ring the provider and ask the same sort of question to them (as vhi)

PS you can go 13 weeks uninsured before losing your history.