Laya Renewal 1 adult 3 teens


Registered User
Hi snowyb,
appreciate your advise.
I'm looking if I can do better.
Currently I have Simply Conect Plus.
I don't mind taking on a small excess. Day to day cover is not important, though consultants cover would be.
Need all three Hi-tech hospitals covered.
My renewal date is 31.12.2019.
Thank you very much,
Hi Bella 3005,

Adult option;
The following 3 plans are worth considering as alternative options;

1. Laya Simply Connect; price 1100pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 150 x 2 max per year for all
admissions, day case excess 50 per procedure. Good day to day cover, 50% refund for consultant etc subject to a max refund of 500 per year.

2. VHI Company Plan Plus Level 1.3; price 1128pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 150 per admission,
day case excess 150 per day case procedure. Good day to day cover 50% refund subject to a max refund of 1000 per year.

3. VHI PMI 07 10; price 1188pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 150 x 1 max per year for all admissions,
day case excess 50 per procedure. Good day to day cover 50% refund subject to a max refund of 2000 per year.

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Teens Options; upto age 17
1. Laya Control 300 Create; price 257pa; all public, private(including private room), and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess
300 per admission and 125 per day case procedure. Good day to day cover 80 euro per consultant visit, 30 per gp visit etc.

2. VHI Company Plan Plus Level 1.3; price 286pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 150 per admission
and 50 day case procedure. Good day to day cover 50% refund subject to a max refund of 1000 per year.

3. Simply Connect; price 275pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 150 x 2 max for all admissions per
year and 50 excess per day case procedure. Good day to day cover 50% refund subject to a max refund of 500 per year.

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NOTE; For young people aged 18 and older, VHI is most competitive on price for this age group. So if any of the teens are in this age bracket
VHI Company Plan Plus Level 1.3 is recommended for them. Children and young adults can be with VHI on their own, if you want. An adult
is just named on the policy but just the young people are insured. So you can choose Laya if you want and one or more of them can switch to
VHI if required.

Regards Snowyb
Hi Snowyb,

thank you so much for this comprehensive research.

I will go with your first option for adult and teens for now and it looks like I can knock off some substatial amount.

Thank you also for making me aware of the young adult option which I will come back to once my eldest is 18.

Thank you very much again, really great advise,


Just one last option for the 3 teenagers, special offer from 15th December 2018 with Laya, well worth considering;
Full hi-tech cover included with limited day to day cover, but the savings are substantial. Details as follows;

The special offer means you just pay for the first child and the rest of the children are free. So 3 teenagers cost just 343 euro total per year.
There are 2 other cheaper plans included in this special offer also but they cover all public and private hospitals only, no hi-tech just Beacon.
I wasn't sure if the hi-tech hospital requirement is for yourself only or for the teenagers also.
The other 2 options are Laya Essential Health 300 @ 234pa or Laya Essential Connect Family @ 250pa. These prices also cover 3 teens.
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1. Laya Flex 125 Explore; price 343pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered; private/hi-tech excess 125 per admission and
50 euro per day case procedure. Limited day to day cover but the overall savings will cover a fair amount of medical expenses.

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In my previous post, just one small detail I forgot to mention, the child price of 257 euro for Control 300 Create applies from 1 Dec 2018.
So, the price showing on the HIA link will change to 257 from that date.
