Renegotiating price after survey?


Registered User
Hi all - quick question. I'm an FTB buying on my own, so not sure how things should work. I've had an offer accepted on a house, and the survey has thrown up some areas of concern that need to be addressed urgently and will prob cost me c €6K to fix (have checked with a builder).

Added to this, even though the house was advertised as having double glazing, it now emerges that there is no double glazing in any of the windows. I have been quoted c. €1500 to get the windows that I thought were double glazed upgraded.

My question is, would it be normal at this stage to try to negotiate a reduction in the price of the house to take these new costs into account, or is it generally accepted that the price is the price and any costs highlighted by the survey are mine to deal with? Even if I could ask the vendors to split the costs and get a few thousand off the price, it would make things a lot easier. What's the norm in these cases? I do want the house and just want to get things moving.
Yes it is.
But here is my story: In 2001 (last time houses dropped) I almost bought a house. I was advertised as having been roofed. It was not roofed, but a bogged repair job had been done on the valleys. They had hammered in nails through the old wooden slats ? and split them all! I look IEP5k off the price for a new roof. They did not take the offer. The house sat there for a couple more months. The owners name and address of the house appeared in the Sunday Business post owing Revenue a few bob, September 11 happened. The house dropped IEP30K (280 to 250) on My Home!!!. The estate agent (desperate) phoned again asking if I was still interested, I was sick and of it at this stage!
Hi Eanair,

I certainly would go back to the vendors and renegotiate - if it was advertised as having double glazing and it transpires it doesn't - this is misleading advertising. I think you'd be mad to take on this expense, it is not only the expense but the hassel of getting work done and someone to do it for you. Explain it to the EA or vendors but the expense might not end there so I personally wouldn't carry the cost.
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definitely ask to get the cost of the repairs taken off the agreed price, they don't want the hassle of losing a sale for a relatively small sum.
Thanks for the feedback folks. I've spoken to the EA and gone through it with her and asked her to go back to the vendors to see if there's any flexibility there. Fingers crossed - it would make the world of difference.

Towger - what a saga! Thankfully this house doesn't seem to have anything as serious as yours (and hopefully I won't precipiate any global terror event by trying to buy it!).
Put your report to them and deduct the full cost of repairs and windows from your offer. Don't split the differnece as the survey is done to show that everything is in working condition and your survey has found that the house has some minor faults. They should be understanding as its not a huge cost to deduct from the offer, but don't take it as it stands.