Renault out of warranty claim - any advice?


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I posted a question here some time ago after our Grand Scenic was taken to the garage with engine problems. Initial thoughts were that bad diesel had knackered the injectors but changing the injectors did not fix the problem. After a further month in the garage - the verdict is that we have a big-end problem and need a new engine.
The garage collated all our service info for the car and submitted to Renault for an out of warranty claim. They have come back and offered 50% of the engine cost. Garage are telling us that this means we will have to foot a bill fo €3.5k. I am extremely peeved with this - I dont believe a well-serviced diesel engine should pack in after 60k miles/5 years. The car has been a disaster - 5 window motors since new and turbo replaced last year (out of warranty claim too).
I havent gone back to accept or decline offer yet but will do later. What do the experts here think I should do?
Had a renault diesel with knocking and running badly particularily when at low revs in traffic, after getting injectors reconditioned etc etc, it was narrowed down to engine mountings - small cheap rubber parts solved problem..just a thought...