Removing White Water Stains From Wood

Registered User
Hi there,

My wife left a glass on our hardwood bedside locker at night - only had cold water in it.

It left a white ring stain.

Any ideas how to get it off? (the satin that is!)

Presume you mean stain and not satin nightdress:) . If it is a bedside locker you could sand it down and re varnish it but if it requires the wood to be coloured i would thread carefully as this may end up with you having 2 different coloured lockers!!!! if you go to a hardware store i'm sure they could recommend a product to you. I remember one called stain off or ring gone not sure which but it worked a treat. Best of luck and remeind her to use a coaster in future as i am if it had benn u she would never let you live it down.
There is a list as long as your arm of possible remedies, but it all depends on the finish on the wood. The ideas in these two links are mainly ones that I have heard suggested before, and for the mostpart are reasonably safe to try without causing any further damage even if they don't work:

- Several options, including using an iron, using a mild abrasive, using lemon juice.

- [broken link removed] including mild abrasives, and mayonnaise.
askew70 said:
There is a list as long as your arm of possible remedies, but it all depends on the finish on the wood. The ideas in these two links are mainly ones that I have heard suggested before, and for the mostpart are reasonably safe to try without causing any further damage even if they don't work:

- Several options, including using an iron, using a mild abrasive, using lemon juice.

- [broken link removed] including mild abrasives, and mayonnaise.


Tried the lemon juice mild abrasive option.

The girlfriend is looking at me stupid.


On raw wood we use water to get out a water stain,
Johnsons Pledge to get out an oil stain and an Iron with a cloth under it to get out a dent.
Have also heard (it was recommended to me in a previous job by the suppliers of our very expensive new board room table) that a combination of cigarette ash and vinegar works. However, I cannot find the email with that information in it and never tried it so cannot vouch for it's effectiveness.