Removing silicon smudge from glass door


Registered User
Any one know how to remove silicon smudges from a glass door?

Driving me mad
I have it on frosted glass too and can't get it off! Why are workmen so careless?
I think someone (who fits windows) told me a while ago that the fitters use WD40 to remove it. Interested to hear if it works.
bertson said:
do you spray the WD40 on the glass directly, or on a cloth?

I haven't tried this solution but would imagine a very small amount straight onto the glass would be the best approach.
bertson said:
do you spray the WD40 on the glass directly, or on a cloth?
I sprayed on a fairly roughish cloth and then rubbed the area with the silicone - it came off very quickly.
If you dont have WD40 in you cupboard - vinegar will do the same job.