Removing name from mortgage


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Good Morning

Has anyone gone throught the process of removing a name from a mortgage?
My sister and her husband went guarantor for me 2 years ago, I was just short of the full amount an they filled in the gap for me.

However now I would like to remove them from my mortgage,(they are not on deeds) .
Hopefully with salary increase over 2 years and 2 years payments off mortgage that i can do this.
I am going to call the bank but I'm wondering if anyone out there has already gone through this and give me a heads up on whats involved, is it complicated?
As they were just guarantors and not named on the property deeds, your lender should simply ask you for your up-to-date salary and general financial details (income and outgoings) before removing the guarantors.
Thanks LDFerguson
So I spoke to the Bank about this, I have to supply them with 2 years bank details to show I paid the mortgage by myself, current P60 and last 2 salary slips, and also to include a covering note stating that I have being paying this by myself and I would like name removed from the mortgage. Guarantor also has to sign letter. Hopefully it will be as easy as this!