Removing moss from lawn


Registered User
Hi Folks,
Anybody out there know of a good way to remove moss and general poor quality grass from a lawn. I have about 0.6 acre of lawn. Have tried that seed, feed and weed stuff but have since heard of a scarifier!
Any input appreciated.
Sulphate of iron will kill the moss in days. You must follow up with scarifier to remove dead moss, allow light in and loosten the soil. You must also apply a good dose of fertiliser, such as 10-10-20, available from any argi-merchant for €12 per 50kg bag.
My mum had a problem with moss and like you tried the weed & feed, the moss stuff and not even the scarifier would shift it. Nothing for her to do but dig it all up and start again.

Hope the scary thing works for you
Scarifier like a rotovator. You walk behind it as it pulls itself along. Digs into the sod only about 1 inch. Unlike rotovator only has straight spikes so you will need to go over the lawn at least twice in different directions and rake up after. You will end up getting rid of 90% of the dead moss and about 50% of the grass. Grass recovers best when it has light, air and space so with fertiliser will recover to 90% ground cover by the end of this growing season.
I put some Phostrogen Feed, Weed and Moss Killer on the lawn last night. Guy in shop told me a "good thorough" raking will do the scary bit. Fair enough he wanted to sell me the product.

Lawn is also bit patchy (neighbour reckons builders used grass seed rather than lawn seed??) is there any type of seed I can put on it now to make it a bit better while still continuing to cut it most weeks?

Hi Pator
Couldn't see myself giving 2/3 acre a good thorough raking fun and all as it sounds. Have seen other work this 'landscaper' has done and same rubbish quality so you're prob right about the seed bit.
Check this out [broken link removed]. I like the idea of mowing it often thus being able to leave the cuttings on it to keep it green as taking it away removes nutrients.
you can hire a scarifier for not much but it will still take a long time to do .6 acres. Have you also though what you are going to do with all the moss you take off? There might be a serious amount!

BTW it's a scar-i-fier not a scare-i-fier!