Removing Judgements from House


New Member
Hello just looking for some advice, I am getting married this July. My wife to be owes about €70,000 on her mortgage but her ex-husband (they are divorced) has 3 judgements on the house dating back to the last one in 2008. The ex-husbands name has been removed from the register of ownership on the land registry document and my partner is now the sole owner. The debts on the house total €65,000, to the Credit Union, Anglo Irish Bank and an Electrical Wholesaler. I would like to have these debts removed from the house as they are her ex-husbands debts. After doing some research I have filled out the Land-Registry-Form-57B for all. Should I now get a Lawyer to review and submit? Thank you any advice much appreciated.
There are a number of existing threads relating to judgements that may be of use to you - you can find them using the search facility.
There are a number of existing threads relating to judgements that may be of use to you - you can find them using the search facility.
Thank you, I did have a read through them before posting. Just looking for a bit more information on my next steps and the procedure for removing. I will revisit them posts again now. Thanks.
Have been working with a Solicitor on removing the mentioned above judgements and it looks like we might have just missed the deadline on the 12/09/2024 changes to the Statute of limitations Act 1957. These changes have removed the 12 years limitation and is replaced with "shall continue to apply without limit as to time, until such time as it is paid in full". Not to much online about these changes. trying to look into the fact that the documents where filed before the changes came into effect and also that the debts are in ex husbands name and he is no longer listed on title documents as owner of the house. Not looking good though.
Have been working with a Solicitor on removing the mentioned above judgements and it looks like we might have just missed the deadline on the 12/09/2024 changes to the Statute of limitations Act 1957. These changes have removed the 12 years limitation and is replaced with "shall continue to apply without limit as to time, until such time as it is paid in full". Not to much online about these changes. trying to look into the fact that the documents where filed before the changes came into effect and also that the debts are in ex husbands name and he is no longer listed on title documents as owner of the house. Not looking good though.
Hi Mick

Do you have any more on it like the section etc.. I can se nothing on it being amended

There is some change of some sort but I don't see an amendment to the principal act so I don't know how you are seeing this
It was our solicitor that informed us about this change. The company that owns the JM won’t cancel it after 21 years because of this change. It doesn’t look like it’s fully come into effect yet, I can’t find much information on it. I downloaded the Statue of limitations act 1957 from and there is a red warning box about the coming changes and annotations to section 36 & 37 of the act about changes. Hopefully our solicitor can sort something out as it is a 30K debt from my wife's ex-husbands failed business that I don't wish to pay. Unfortunately I can’t post the link to the law reform act.
There are no active amendments to the Act. From the sound of it they just refuse to remove the JM for whatever reason